There is time left, if just enough,
There is time. Time to unwind
This ball of string and wire.
Time to make more out of a mess,
A tangle that very well could have been less.
There are wings left to be worn.
And worn out.
Wings to carry a single person
From the hole, gliding on the air.
Air as stiff as a hesitated breath on a neck
During a whispered, half-hearted, "I love you."
There are still knots, some stronger
Than I can be right now, for you at least.
I will not unwrap your trappings:
A forced laugh, a word said but not meant.
There will not be butterflies inside of this.
What we have here is as faded
As our summer tans.
I will retreat from you quickly now.
I will run, as you crash towards me
Like sunlight turning the corner on a shadow.
I will not have the patience to unravel you.
I must say, "I'm sorry," my time is short,
Like this goodbye.
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